25 July 2012

If this doesn't get better... we are gonna have issues...

Off yesterday afternoon.
Come in this morning and our email server is down.
No one in IT is up, awake, or in the office, so my tasks are, yet still, at a flipping stand still. Our server is not in this building (which I can definitely say) but... not even in this state, actually I can honestly say that I am not sure which of the other three states is actually IS in.
Either way, I have tried calling them all... and no one is in yet.
This has been a long week. People on vacation. One in an accident and in the hospital. One person going back to school, one retiring.
Nothing like mass chaos and confusion.
I seriously wish I could have stayed in bed this morning.

1 comment:

My Inner Chick said...

--I wish I could stay in bed EVERY Morning! <3

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