16 January 2012

Take The Pledge Campaign

The Mom Pledge is about women standing up, speaking out, and coming together to eradicate online bullying among moms. The time has come for us to take the power back and own this issue.

BWS tips button

The Mom Pledge

I am a proud to be a mom. I will conduct myself with integrity in all my online activities. I can lead by example.

I pledge to treat my fellow moms with respect. I will acknowledge that there is no one, "right" way to be a good Mom. Each woman makes the choices best for her family.

I believe a healthy dialogue on important issues is a good thing. I will welcome differing opinions when offered in a respectful, non-judgmental manner. And will treat those who do so in kind.

I stand up against cyber bullying. My online space reflects who I am and what I believe in. I will not tolerate comments that are defamatory, hateful or threatening.

I refuse to give those who attack a platform. I will remove their remarks with no mention or response. I can take control.

I want to see moms work together to build one another up, not tear each other down. Words can be used as weapons. I will not engage in that behavior.

I affirm that we are a community. As a member, I will strive to foster goodwill among moms. Together, we can make a difference.

I have taken the Mom Pledge and placed the button on my sidebar. It is important, that as moms, we set good examples and treat those around us, with respect. We all come from different backgrounds and religions. We have different situation and beliefs. It is important that we respect each other's opinions, no matter how different from our own. We need to act like responsible, respectable moms.

1 comment:

Susi said...

I've run across this pledge a lot this weekend and will make it a point to join this week!!! Please, stop by my blog, there is something waiting for you...from one mom to another!!!!:)

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